What is Epiretinal Membrane (ERM)?
Epiretinal membranes (ERMs), also referred to as cellophane maculopathy or macular puckers, are semitranslucent, fibrocellular membranes that develop on the inner surface of the retina. These membranes are avascular, meaning they have few or no blood vessels. While ERMs often cause minimal symptoms and may simply be monitored, they can sometimes lead to painless vision loss and visual distortion. They tend to be most problematic when affecting the macula, the central part of the retina responsible for sharp, detailed vision essential for reading and recognising faces.
Most individuals with ERMs experience no symptoms, and the membranes are often discovered incidentally during a dilated retinal exam or through retinal imaging techniques such as optical coherence tomography (OCT). When symptoms do occur, they may include:
- Metamorphopsia: Visual distortion where straight lines appear wavy or crooked, particularly noticeable when compared to the unaffected eye.
- Gradual decline in visual clarity.
- In advanced cases, severely reduced vision.
- Occasionally, symptoms such as double vision, light sensitivity, or distorted image sizes may be observed.

ERMs are caused by a defect in the surface layer of the retina, where glial cells migrate and form a membranous sheet. This membrane, resembling cellophane, can contract over time, leading to traction and puckering of the retina, which results in visual distortion and decreased vision.
The most common cause of an ERM is an age-related condition known as posterior vitreous detachment (PVD), where the vitreous gel separates from the retina, potentially leading to ERM formation. If no specific cause other than PVD is identified, the ERM is termed idiopathic (of unknown origin).
ERMs can also be associated with other ocular conditions such as retinal tears, retinal vascular diseases (e.g., diabetic retinopathy), post-traumatic events, or intraocular inflammation.
Risk Factors:
- Age: The risk of developing an ERM increases with age. ERMs are more prevalent in individuals with predisposing ocular conditions.
- Posterior Vitreous Detachment: This is the most common associated condition.
- Ocular Conditions: Prior retinal tears, retinal vascular diseases, and previous ocular surgery can also increase risk.
Studies show that approximately 2% of individuals over age 50 and 20% over age 75 exhibit ERMs, though most do not require treatment. The condition affects both sexes equally, and in 10% to 20% of cases, ERMs may be present in both eyes, though they can vary in severity.
At Sanjeevan Netralaya Ayurvedic Eye Hospital, Epiretinal Membrane is treated with great success.
Epiretinal Membrane Ayurvedic Treatment at Sanjeevan Netralaya Ayurvedic Eye Hospital
Epiretinal membrane (ERM) is a condition where a thin, fibrous layer forms on the surface of the retina, often leading to vision distortion and decreased visual clarity.
At Sanjeevan Netralaya Ayurvedic Eye Hospital, we offer specialized Epiretinal Membrane Ayurvedic Treatment to address this condition and support overall retinal health.
Our Epiretinal Membrane Ayurvedic Treatment employs a holistic approach, combining traditional Ayurvedic remedies with modern techniques to manage symptoms and enhance retinal function. Our goal is to reduce inflammation, improve retinal health, and promote the natural healing processes within the eye.
At Sanjeevan Netralaya, our skilled Ayurvedic practitioners customize the Epiretinal Membrane Ayurvedic Treatment to meet the unique needs of each patient. This personalized care ensures an effective treatment plan aimed at improving and restoring vision.
If you are seeking a natural and comprehensive solution for epiretinal membrane, Sanjeevan Netralaya Ayurvedic Eye Hospital provides the specialized care you need. Contact us today to learn more about our Epiretinal Membrane Ayurvedic Treatment and how it can assist in improving and restoring your vision.